Taurus New Moon 2024 [Astro Weather]

Are you ready for a Taurus party that has some rambunctious insistent guests?

This month, we tend to want to be left alone, so we can go about enjoying life and being quietly productive, especially around home. We long for peace, creating and surrounding ourselves with beauty. We have an ardent desire to relish spring in all its flavors, scents, and colors.

This overall vibe tends to get bothered by all manner of brusque, sudden interruptions, and that can get trying, even for Taurus, who has a long fuse. We’re trying to get on with creating, nurturing, and being productive in our own terms, but interruptions by often-insistent people can rankle. If you feel this, try to let it roll off your back, although this may require considerable effort on your part.

It is strongly indicated that many of us will feel impatient and insistent on having our own way—but many of us are not aware of it. This can be a recipe for outbursts and conflict.

Perception, thinking, and communication tend to be fast and without much forethought, so try to give your self and others extra consideration although you may not feel like it. If you muster understanding and hold your tongue, it will probably pay dividends later.

Romance and relationships reflect these trends, too. On the one hand, people are quick to judge and speak. On the other hand, the overall pace of making new relationships is slow. If you are interested in someone, make sure to include things that delight the senses, and don’t rush things: the mind and tongue may be fast, but the heart is slow.

At work, we’ll tend to see the same dichotomy, a deliberately slow and thorough pace although fast, unexpected interruptions of all kinds tend to disrupt. If you or others have new, unusual ideas for how to allocate resources and money, lean into them and explore: they could be fruitful.

Read on to delve into a curious cocktail of a month!

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Aries New Moon Eclipse 2024 [Astro Weather]

Ready, set, GO! Get ready for a surprisingly spiritual and significant month! Aries New Moon 2024 takes place during a solar eclipse, which amps up its significance. How is this likely to play out?

Above all, we want to start things, to have our way in all things. Overall, we are driven to this and insistent, feel a sense of urgency.

At the same time, this energy is likely to be unconscious, under the surface, like magma. We probably experience it underneath, but we can’t see it. Depending on our natal charts, it may feel very calming and natural—or intolerable. Some of us may explode out of nowhere.

It is strongly indicated that we can grow tremendously by experiencing the urge to take the initiative and have our own way, to feel frustration, and to transcend it by realizing that it may not be the end of the world after all if we don’t get our way.

We can grow through acceptance. Paradoxically, when we’re not able to do what we feel we ought to do, want to do, ever so urgently, and we accept it, experience it with detachment, we grow. After acceptance, the friction often lifts, but this acceptance cannot be mental, “If I do this, I’ll get that.”

Perception and communication are likely to be fast, furious, and flawed when we take them at face value. Tech things are likely to be glitchy, so try to exercise patience if you encounter this. Issues may emerge from the past, and people can get very fixed on them.

Romance and relationships are dynamic and may be volatile, especially where money and material resources are concerned. We’re likely to encounter, within our selves and with others, a strong need for fairness. We may vacillate between the desire to be with others and to be alone. We can also find passion, but don’t expect it to last. We may encounter people who are bitter about relationships.

Business is a stage on which these energies play out. Although you may NOT feel patient with delays, interruptions, and obstacles, if you strive to see beyond your frustration, there’s a lot of gold at the end of that rainbow. Try to interact and act without expectation. This is a great month to practice being present with the present.

Read on to dive into a surprisingly deep month with many levels of possible awareness and significance.

Continue reading “Aries New Moon Eclipse 2024 [Astro Weather]”

Special Spring 2024 (Vernal Equinox)

At equinox the length of day and night is the same on planet Earth. In the northern hemisphere, in spring day starts being longer than night while night lengthens in the southern hemisphere. Astrologically, we feel this spring when Sun, Mercury, and often Venus move into Aries from Pisces. As Mercury can only be one sign away from Sun, and Venus two signs away, the three travel together. This year, Sun and Mercury have some esteemed guests in Aries while Venus tarries in Pisces.

This post will reflect on the difference the guests make in terms of the depth of our spring experience. Would you like to explore?

Continue reading “Special Spring 2024 (Vernal Equinox)”

Aries Blue New Moon 2023 [Astro Weather]

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! This lunar cycle is our second at-bat with an Aries new moon, and it will probably feel more normal when compared to last month’s.

Most of us will have the drive to start and initiate things no matter what. Impatience with any delay. This might come out with a chip-on-the-shoulder energy in which we dwell on longstanding frustration with being blocked in our autonomy and self-expression.

Try to be patient with yourself and people around you when you feel intolerance at any delay. If you encounter rudeness and aggressiveness, don’t take it personally; it’s just the weather this month.

It is indicated that authorities may be insensitive to personal concerns and expression; we’ll see a building determination to transform social conditions but in an impersonal way.

At work, watch for a disconnect between insistent wants for action and how things actually get done, which is indirect. When you see this, just play along, even if you feel things could go faster.

Relationships tend to be flirty, chatty, and breezy on the surface, but watch out for deep undercurrents of intensity that probably emerge in surprising ways.

Some of us may find ourselves having a new focus on healing and connecting with our bodies and nature, although this desire is likely to be in conflict with movements and authorities.

Don’t be surprised if you feel, in yourself and in others, an especially strong ego drive. Most of us will feel an elevated need to get what we want, and some of us will be “childish” about it. That is the energy this month, so realize that is just the weather of the moment.

Read on to get under the hood of these surprising energies!

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Aries New Moon 2023 [Astro Weather]

Spring is finally here north of the equator, and its energy will feel irrepressible to many of us: we are itching to bust out, and the energy is intoxicating. As with so many things these days, though, many layers of energies confound simplicity, so be prepared for monkeys and wrenches.

The key mode of action this month is mental and communicative, and you can enjoy yourself thoroughly if you like fast action and talk. If you’re into substance, planning, and deliberate action, head for the hills and come back next month!

It is indicated that acting on one’s initiative can be healing in itself, so appreciate that action can be a complete act: the result of action is a separate thing. Try not to judge people who are already out of the starting blocks before the gun goes off.

The primary personal energy of this month is integrated and strong, but the environment is complex and layered, so our initiatives tend to get hung up on complex external concerns that may present subtly. Although you may want to just do your thing, you can reduce angst later by pausing to look around, by taking the time to consider how your action will affect others. If you do this, you may find little support for the impulse.

This dynamic pervades business where the environment is probably very dynamic but prone to peripheral damage (“Whoops, I didn’t see that!”). You can help by anticipating this and encouraging your colleagues to open the aperture to look around before shooting.

Conversely, in an interesting twist, romance and relationships tend to be slow and conservative and to orient around the home. Be prepared to woo with flowers, things that taste good, and taking it easy.

Special bonus: this month’s analysis will also be a lesson in interpreting unusual aspects because virtually all Aries New Moon 2023’s aspects are off-sign

Read on for your guide to having fun while navigating gaffes!

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Aries New Moon 2022 [Astro Weather]

Sprrring forward, and get ready for an unusual Aries New Moon that is steeped in social progress and surprising empathy. Yes, most of us will feel the drive to shoot first and aim later, if at all, because shooting is so damned fun! In Aries, we all tend to love action as an end in itself—or a beginning!

“Go until you hear glass!”

This month, the vibe is action, and please don’t bother me with fine print or complexity that slows me down. I have things to do! As long as you keep this in mind, you can harmonize with the energy and get more done than you may think. Be ready to frame your thoughts and suggestions in terms of action, and you’ll find people more receptive. Virgos, dial back on the detail if you want to be heard at all. No speed bumps, please!

In business, don’t be surprised if initiatives that have been languishing in the backlog suddenly get green-lighted, or if new initiatives come out of left field to monopolize the agenda. If you’re a project champion, you may find new interest, so float it again. The thing about Aries is, the energy must start things, it must act. So, honor its acting (barring death or dismemberment ;^). Don’t be a wet blanket. As long as you don’t block the energy, you’ll find that, if it turns out to be off base, people will shrug it off with no hard feelings when practical Taurus takes the reins next month. If you frustrate too much, you’ll provoke cold stares or angry outbursts.

People worldwide have pent up frustration and sadness around their loss of autonomy and ability to express themselves, and we will all get relief during this lunar cycle. One key vector for this is creative and accelerating relaxation of Covid restrictions, and many of these will drive new innovation for protecting people while allowing more freedom.

Another key social theme is for us, individually and collectively, to rethink how we share and use material resources. This has been a theme since January, but it is amplified this month. Think about how you use material things like food, water, money, clothes, and other possessions, and how you might use them more efficiently and less wastefully. This is true for us at all levels. Planetary energies support sincere experimentation and initiatives to redistribute material things.

If you honor the vibe to act, you’ll get more done at work and in social collaboration. Learn to act like Aries: start things, try things, and you’ll accomplish more than you might think. Virgos and Capricorns, bite your nails in private, and wait to pick up the pieces later.

This can be an exciting month for romance and other relationships. People tend to be open to unusual proposals or ideas, and they are prone to experimentation, especially in situations that have a strong social theme. Let yourself be wacky if you feel like it, and you’ll harmonize with more people than you’d expect. I love you, Alice B. Toklas!

Read on to pop the bonnet on this month’s surprising energies and fascinating configuration!

Continue reading “Aries New Moon 2022 [Astro Weather]”

Aries New Moon 2021 [Astro Weather]

“Wanna be startin’ somethin”

Astro Weather Snapshot

roundel-ariesDo you like starting things? Do you feel ready to break out of old patterns? Aries New Moon 2021 has a rare vibe that you may find deliciously intoxicating even while it really rubs other people the wrong way. One thing is sure: it is a force to be reckoned with, and Astro Weather reveals the answers.

This month, people will be passionate and insistent and subjective about getting what they want and need. When you’re aware of this, you can experience it with more flexibility. As always, the way this energy manifests in each person is determined by her/his natal planets, but everyone will feel more energetic, excited, and impatient. Patience is in very short supply.

Anger can flare easily when you or people around you feel blocked or frustrated. We may get angry and fight or we may drop it and move onto something else. Very quickly.

Speed. We tend to perceive, judge, and act much more quickly than usual. The pace of everything will be quick—and changeable. Don’t take it personally when people change their minds, even without knowing it. This also means that the month is ripe for overlooking things. If you are a person who likes to analyze and reflect, go for it, but don’t try to force others to slow down; you will likely be brushed off. You can introduce your findings when people are catching their breath.

Business and communication are fast and furious. Be ready for more, more, more of everything—email, text, meeting invitations, all modes. And everything will be imbued with insistent energy. People are the opposite of blasé. They want it now. They MUST have it. Including you and me.

Romance can also bloom quickly this month, much faster than past experience indicates when we are open to it. This also holds true for business relationships. Be open to new relationships; they can be fruitful, especially when they involve helping groups of people around you in some way.

If you want to delve into the details and have the time, which I doubt, haha, head over to the detailed discussion section. Continue reading “Aries New Moon 2021 [Astro Weather]”

Aries New Moon 2020 [Astro Weather]

Astro Weather: Snapshot

The lunar cycle is a kind of astrological return that people have lived by for millennia, and each cycle tells a story. Astro Weather reveals the story, and its issues and theme, so you can be present and harmonize with its planetary energies.

Aries New Moon 2020

Aries New Moon signifies the start of the new year, spring, and 2020’s is a doozy. This month will be very concerned with healing from wounds we received that weren’t our “fault” but which we could not avoid. These wounds tend to be to the core identity, the body, the face, one’s sense of self.

The silver lining in this is that wounds give us the opportunity to heal, and healing is growing.

This wounding and healing thread is very strong this month, so however it shows up in your life, know that it’s giving you the opportunity to grow, to heal yourself and help people around you.

This said, Aries is all about action, with thinking as an afterthought, if at all. New Moon’s aspects (angles) to other planets will confront people’s impulses and instincts, which are focused on action, to slow down and do some deep thinking. This inherent conflict will emerge in many ways, but you can take it in stride by being aware of it.

Don’t be surprised if you encounter impatient or irritable people (including you ;^). That’s part of this New Moon’s energy. Aries doesn’t like being limited, and it faces many limits this month.

You can be graceful this month by giving people space and time to take things in, to reflect, and to say what’s on their minds—even if you feel impatient. This works the other way, too. If you encounter people who feel pushy and impatient, understand that the Aries energy is affecting them.

The home and a strong nesting instinct is likely. If you encounter this, lean into it; it will tend to be fruitful. Read on to dive into the details.

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