Pisces New Moon 2024 [Astro Weather]

Be prepared for weird thoughts and communications, the twilight zone…

Fog alert. We will experience thick fog this month that tends to warp our reality in many ways. As with all things astrological, though, if we slow down, roll down the window and breathe in the mist, we may discover things wonderful and uplifting.

Pisces New Moon 2024 is a special cycle that can present rare visions for making our world better. When we’re in the fog, though, we need to take precautions because fog distorts sight and sound, which is delightful when we slow down and lean into it. The main thing is recognizing that we’re in the fog, so we can relate differently to our perceptions.

We have a weird disconnect between our perception, thinking, and communication and our will and instinct. Perceiving and judgment and communication are fast, but action is disjointed. It’s like Alice in Wonderland.

It’s strongly indicated that we’ll see challenge and even rebellion to established ways of doing things, especially those around money, budgets, and material resources. These tend to come out of left field, and things can get quite ugly when defenders of the status quo try to repel the challenges.

Our projects can be stalled because we’ll tend to experience a lack of decision making. People are nice, but good luck trying to get them to commit to anything until Moon’s first trine to Sun.

The lack of decision making likely involves consideration of others, a sudden concern for users or customers that hadn’t really been taken seriously before.

Romance and relationships are similarly foggy, but you can experience some wonderful idealistic connections. As long as you are present with what seems to be and harbor no expectations, you can co-create some rare connections. Connection in general has an ethereal quality, untouchable but deeply touching somehow, aching.

The energy this month features some deep conflicts, but these tend to be deep and under water; on the surface, interactions are pleasant and considerate as far as they go. Sudden challenges present, but opposition is subtle and passive.

The main thing to keep in mind is not having expectations of anything we might otherwise consider to be “normal” because the fog machine is on. Slow down and notice how beautiful and subtle shapeshifting can be. Read on to examine these dynamics in detail

Astro Weather Analysis

I noticed how subtly control works…

Pisces New Moon 2024
Pisces New Moon 2024 Positions

Stand by for a serious wave of Neptune! Sun and Moon are Conjunct Neptune, and this ushers in a lunar cycle of sensitivity toward the universal, toward humanity and imagination. Sun symbolizes the energizing force that animates all other planetary energies. It’s our will and hero(ine)’s journey as well as our conscious mind. Moon represents our instinctual unconscious awareness that’s largely motivated by security and belonging. When they are united in Pisces, we are collectively less self-focused although we may not be aware of it. Neptune is like an odorless invisible gas that shapeshifts our sense of what is real and surreal. We are also more empathic in the context of the collective. Let’s drill down by examining new moon’s closest aspects.

Sun and Moon’s closest connection is their semisextile to Mars in Aquarius. This reveals that we’ll tend to see quite unconventional approaches to doing things and to taking the initiative. Along with this, we’ll tend to reject conventional actions and may rebel against “standard processes” and protocols.

New Moon is also tightly sextile Uranus in Taurus, so the cycle is considering new ways to think about and use material resources and money. This Uranian energy will probably manifest in a Neptunian way, so it will be subtle and under the surface. Sun/Moon’s loose conjunction to Pisces ruler Neptune amps up the Neptunian vibration considerably.

New Moon opposition Lilith retrograde shows that our Lilith energy, which has us connecting to the wild through healing and cleansing, faces opposition, isn’t taken seriously. Although there is little confrontation, opposition presents as vague impartiality. We are likely to reexamine our past decisions around healing, and we are attracted to wild, unconventional means. This is a major theme since Lilith sits across the zodiac from all other planets except Lilith Asteroid.

Personal anecdote: I already experienced one manifestation of the Lilith opposition. I just learned that Whole Foods had stopped carrying Boiron homeopathic remedies because of “perceived liability.” After thanking the man who told me, I was chuckling cynically for several minutes as I have noticed that Amazon is pushing aggressively into the allopathic pharmacy business. But I also notice how subtly control works. Since Amazon continues to put independent businesses out of business, they increasingly control our choices as do the likes of Google, Apple et al.

Business and communication are likely be be frustrating overall because Mercury moved into Aries just before new moon, so it is all about action in terms of the self, ego, starting things, and leading. Mercury serves Sun by perceiving, thinking, connecting, and communicating, so all these faculties are fast, relatively simple, and subjective. However, Mercury’s conjunction to Neptune makes it likely that Mercury’s faculties will be distorted somehow and prone to illusions. Mercury’s only support is its sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, so Mercury’s focus tends to be disruptive, quirky, and challenging to established ways.

At work, be prepared for weird communications, the twilight zone. If you’re an action-oriented person, dial back your ambitions and expectations until Sun moves into Aries. People don’t mean to be so vague and seemingly non-committal; it’s just the weather this month.

Jupiter has an applying transit of Uranus in Taurus, and Mars is tightly square Uranus. This will probably present as challenges to the use of material resources, sudden (Aquarius) revolts around budgets and the use of material things. Although this can be disconcerting to say the least, if you sit back and watch and listen, it will probably turn out to be less than it seemed.

Romance and relationships are not a major theme of this lunar cycle as Venus is unaspected save for a semisextile to Neptune, and Venus will enter Pisces soon after new moon, so relating has a Neptunian vibe, visions, imagination, and ideals, but also delusions. Neptune is a challenge when we’re in an earthly frame of mind (our default). That said, if you are present without preconception, you can discover and co-create some otherworldly connections.

Saturn is sextile Jupiter, which adds oomph to the Jupiter–Uranus agenda of rethinking our use of money and other things material. Jupiter’s transit of Uranus means we have an opportunity to expand by rejecting patterns around material things that actually limit us. We can expand by letting them go. Uranus will present us with sudden confrontations and visions for using things material differently: depending on how open we are to its energy, these confrontations can be painful or exhilarating: all transpersonal energies are like that because they challenge our egos to rise above; when ego resists for a long enough time, circumstances force the issue.

I have repeatedly found, though, that when I recognize the challenge and go with it, my ego kicking and screaming, I discover something much more exciting than I could have imagined, and I didn’t really need the thing I was struggling to keep.

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