Did You Know That You Are an Artist?

It is dawn, and I am starting to create my experience of this day. Did you know that we all do this, every day, although most of us are not aware of it? In this post, I’ll share how I create “a day,” and how you can use some of the ideas to create your day more mindfully, so you can experience more joy, harmony, or whatever you want.

How was your day?

We all ask each other this all the time, and in it is nested an interesting truth. First, isn’t it idiotic to suggest that you or I “have” a day? It isn’t when we consider that we don’t have the day, but we do have our experience of the day. I have little control over external events and interactions that happen during my day, but I have absolute control over how I experience what happens to me and around me.

The Person as Artist

sunrise4-squareAs a visual creature, I think of art as painting, the feeling of the brush dipped in paint, the feeling of the paint and bristles touching the canvas (okay, that’s kinesthetic ;^). But each interaction I have with my self, other people, machines, and events, is kind of like a brush stroke. Most of the time, since I’m navigating in a dynamic world, riding my bike, etc., I have partial brain power to be aware of the strokes I am making; this is easiest when I’m left to my own devices, like now, since I’m on winter solstice break.

How I Create a Day

I think the most important thing is to ground myself in spirit, not Ego. Ego wants to use a mind-over-matter approach, have a kick-ass day, however he interprets that at the moment. Grounding myself in spirit gives me a larger view. I can be more detached from Ego and open myself up to more possibilities. I often note what’s on my mind, especially things that Ego doesn’t like, for example, sadness, frustration, or the unknown. Fear. Emotions are the paints.

Honesty is key for me because it is real, and real days are more satisfying to me than creating days that I wish I had but didn’t really have. Those are Ego days; he shrinks away from things that make him feel weak, like fear or sadness. Those are beautiful colors; I use the colors that are really in my bag, not colors I wish I had.

If you believe in a god, connecting with it can be a great way to detach yourself from things you encounter. For me, I look at the astro weather, become aware of the energies that are manifesting. Most important is to realize that whatever “happens” is not about you; the universe is dynamic, and things happen constantly. We don’t have to take these things personally. For example, I can become frustrated when I get a flat. But I don’t have to be frustrated; I can see it as a way to disrupt my plans and see where that goes. I can take it as an opportunity to flow with events instead of opposing them. Ego wants absolute control because he lives in fear.

Based on how I am feeling and external things I want to do, I make a plan of some kind, a basic structure, although it’s fun to be open to changing it. For me, the most satisfying days are those that involve serendipity somehow, I think because I am dancing with the universe, which introduces all kinds of exceptions and surprises. I can choose whether to allow these to frustrate or delight me.

So I am aware of my will, but I am also open to the universe. The dance between the two creates the most delightful days for me. And I can share this attitude with other people. For example, I am standing in line with other people because a machine has malfunctioned. I can mention some observation to someone next to me, and a group of us can talk about it. Who knows what kind of ideas or people we can encounter? Opening up is a beautiful way to expand and invite the unknown into your day.

So we can all be magicians. Let’s say the bus has a fender bender or some other delay, which screws up one or more appointments I have. I can go the Ego route and get angry, furiously pounding texts into my phone to the other parties. Or I can look for the humor in the situation and share it with other people. And when I take the latter approach, it releases a lot of joy, I think because I have risen above Ego.

Easy Ways to Invite Serendipity

In sum, I think my most satisfying days employ a creative tension between my will—what I want or intend or plan—and being open to things or people around me. Some easy ways to do this:

  • Talk with strangers; pick a person whom you would never approach and start talking with him/her.
  • Do something that you would normally not do. Take a different road you’ve never taken. Take the bus instead of driving. Fast instead of eating.
  • Get a book you’d normally never get.
  • Cook something you’ve never cooked.
  • The whole point of spontaneity, for me at least, is to stretch Ego; once he gets over the loss of control, he goes along, especially when I remind him that he’ll be more knowledgeable when he expands his horizons ;^).

Astro note: We’re in the Sagittarius new moon cycle, so mind expansion is in the air, and it’s a great time to do new things that expand your consciousness.

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