Aries New Moon Eclipse 2024 [Astro Weather]

Ready, set, GO! Get ready for a surprisingly spiritual and significant month! Aries New Moon 2024 takes place during a solar eclipse, which amps up its significance. How is this likely to play out?

Above all, we want to start things, to have our way in all things. Overall, we are driven to this and insistent, feel a sense of urgency.

At the same time, this energy is likely to be unconscious, under the surface, like magma. We probably experience it underneath, but we can’t see it. Depending on our natal charts, it may feel very calming and natural—or intolerable. Some of us may explode out of nowhere.

It is strongly indicated that we can grow tremendously by experiencing the urge to take the initiative and have our own way, to feel frustration, and to transcend it by realizing that it may not be the end of the world after all if we don’t get our way.

We can grow through acceptance. Paradoxically, when we’re not able to do what we feel we ought to do, want to do, ever so urgently, and we accept it, experience it with detachment, we grow. After acceptance, the friction often lifts, but this acceptance cannot be mental, “If I do this, I’ll get that.”

Perception and communication are likely to be fast, furious, and flawed when we take them at face value. Tech things are likely to be glitchy, so try to exercise patience if you encounter this. Issues may emerge from the past, and people can get very fixed on them.

Romance and relationships are dynamic and may be volatile, especially where money and material resources are concerned. We’re likely to encounter, within our selves and with others, a strong need for fairness. We may vacillate between the desire to be with others and to be alone. We can also find passion, but don’t expect it to last. We may encounter people who are bitter about relationships.

Business is a stage on which these energies play out. Although you may NOT feel patient with delays, interruptions, and obstacles, if you strive to see beyond your frustration, there’s a lot of gold at the end of that rainbow. Try to interact and act without expectation. This is a great month to practice being present with the present.

Read on to dive into a surprisingly deep month with many levels of possible awareness and significance.

Astro Weather Analysis

Aries New Moon 2024

This year’s Aries New Moon is infused with subtlety and paradoxes that are rare in connection with the ram. Mars and Aries are typically clear cut, usually simple, and active above all. They are focused on earthly affairs, getting what we need and want, right now. Competing for earthly things. Aries is about lighting up ideas and beginnings of all kinds.

[Message from Neptune] The universe has given us an unusual connection this month. Pisces signifies the end of the progression of the signs—and Aries the beginning. We can tap into a meta layer of a sense of “life,” of death and rebirth. Of course, a circle knows no beginning or end; it is an eternal circle. Because incarnated beings have beginnings and endings, we superimpose these concepts on the universe—but they are illusions.

Aries New Moon 2024 Positions

New moon is always a special time because our will, conscious mind, and motivating life force (Sun) is aligned with our instinct, unconscious mind, and need for safety (Moon). In Aries, this is dynamite energy for starting things. Spring breaks out. We feel vibrant, we need to bust out, thrash winter, be vigorous, compete in the earthly theater. This year, Mercury has a loose applying conjunction to Sun and Moon, as it turned retrograde a few days before new moon. So our will, instincts, and perceptions/thinking/communicating tend to be fast and action-oriented. However, Mercury is more likely to be oriented to the past, to rethinking, to act based on past unresolved ideas.

That said, new moon’s closest aspect is to Chiron (0°00’17”), and this speaks volumes. Chiron entered Aries in February 2019, and it signifies wounding and healing around our individual initiative, our ability to start things, and our individual autonomy. People in many countries have been confronted by lockdowns, obligatory masking, quasi-mandatory immunizations and boosters, etc. Now, workers are increasingly being quasi-ordered to “return to office” against their will (due to empty, expensive office buildings). Chiron always symbolizes a process, so discovering the wound, reacting to it (sadness, anger, etc.), and accepting it if we’re able, begetting healing and perhaps gratitude.

The exact conjunction to Sun and Moon tells us that self-autonomy is a major theme of this lunar cycle. All the more so since new moon occurs during a solar eclipse, which amplifies its power significantly.

Venus is almost exactly “semi-semisextile” the triple conjunction (0°03), which shows that our energy for values, relatedness, and attraction is tightly integrated into the Chironic process in Aries. All the personal planets are involved.

Mars is the outlier, but it is the kingmaker this month since it rules Aries. It is significant that Mars is conjunct Saturn (1°24) because Saturn slows Mars down, adds substance to its energy. Substance in Pisces, surely I jest? Nope. If we suspend traditional views of Saturn and follow its core symbolism, we may see that Saturn in Pisces is not as incongruous as it may seem. It brings sobriety and earnestness to experience; its legendary propensity for creating situations that slow us down is a teaching action. So Saturn is serious through Pisces and leads us to appreciate the importance of the universal point of view, that is, an orientation beyond our individual earthly wants.

Saturn’s presence leads Mars to express its energy very differently, and this will likely affect all Aries planets. Most of us will probably have a strange experience of these energies. Aries is Aries, but we will probably experience it differently this month. What will this look like?

The most noticeable effect is probably that Aries energy will be more mellow than normal, less unbridled, less insistent—but, since Pisces is mutable, this calming influence will probably be jerky and unpredictable. It may appear almost graceful at times. Another effect is probably that we’ll feel deeply frustrated, but very subtly. How we experience this strange cocktail is largely dependent on our natal charts, especially on how Mars energy is wired in. For example, if you’re an action-oriented person, you’re more likely to be frustrated.

Overall, we are still into starting things, but there’s a veil of passivity and acceptance around our action. On a spiritual level, this asks us to look beyond our need to start things to please our own egos (Saturn is driving this bus through Mars).

Let’s fine-tune by looking at other energies.

The triple conjunction is semisextile Jupiter in Taurus (0°21), and Jupiter’s close-ish conjunction to Uranus (2°07) indicates disruption of how we use material resources of kinds. Jupiter in Taurus, left to its own devices, would lead us to expand in typical Taurean fashion, working diligently to accumulate and grow material things we need to materialize our original impulse. We need material things (food, money, accoutrements) to manifest our energies. However, Uranus’s conjunction indicates disruption of our normal ways of accumulating things that help us feel secure.

We may experience wounding or healing in our autonomy due to sudden changes in our material resources. This can take unusual turns due to the Jupiter–Uranus duo: disruptions can be opportunities to grow.

Venus is opposition Lilith (2°13), and this is paradoxical on several levels. Venus signifies relatedness, but it sits in a sign that is about itself individually. Lilith’s core symbolism is integrity with the self, and it sits in Libra, the sign of relatedness and fairness. Venus in Aries tends to see relationships in terms of itself although the Mars/Pisces effect dampens this proclivity. Normally, it tends to be brusque and competitive, to enjoy vigorous interaction, and to be active and very interested in sex in romantic relationships. Its loose conjunction to Neptune in Pisces may cause it to not see relationships and interactions clearly. It can suffer from illusions and delusions when it tries to operate with “normal” Aries energy.

Lilith in Libra signifies a wounding and healing process around relatedness. Libra’s core symbolism is discovering fairness and justice (that’s what the scales are weighing). Lilith shows that our drive to seek fairness has been violated, our search for relatedness and equality. It’s likely that a high authority violated our relatedness, which confronted us with accepting the violation or leaving that authority’s jurisdiction. In so doing, we are outside that (social) jurisdiction.

Lilith also symbolizes our connection to the wild and the primal world, so primal relatedness, which can appear very different from our modern sanitized relationship patterns. All together, we may experience surprisingly raw interactions with people to whom we are vulnerable in some way. Most of us experience oppositions as frustrating because we cannot please either side: Venus in Aries, although softened, leads us to experience relationships in terms of our selves, but it wants relatedness, is insistent on it. Lilith expresses as a function of where we are on its healing process, but it often manifests as being isolated, going its own way because it’s been burned in close relationships. So we may vacillate between the drive to relate to people and to stay away, and this vacillation is likely to be sudden.

Pluto bisects the Venus–Lilith opposition, and this shows that transformation is possible through an Aquarian approach insisting on our and others’ individuality and quirks. Pluto tends to stabilize Lilith through the trine, and it also imparts transpersonality to Venus through the sextile.

The moon nodes emphasize the need to reclaim our lost autonomy and ability to initiate, but the Pisces effect on the Aries planets goads us to experience it at a higher level, however we may define that. South Node in Libra indicates that we have allowed relationships to inhibit our ability to get what we want and need. For more on this, see Special Spring 2024.

Business reflects the overall trend. Since Astro Weather affects us all but in varying degrees, we’ll likely experience colleagues in a range of ways. Try to give people a lot of leeway, to be understanding. Some people will be surprisingly frustrated and may lash out. If you experience this, try to not take it personally. The Venus–Lilith opposition can be unpredictable and impulsive.

Projects may experience subtle friction and delays, so try to be patient: you may later discover that the project would have been off-base had it gone off as originally planned. Be open to concerns for others that may emerge although they may seem irrelevant to your way of thinking.

Projects may also be affected by disruptions in resources, but if you lean into these, you can discover an even better way. The Jupiter–Uranus tie-up shows great opportunity when we are open to disruption in material resources.

Romance and relationships may be passionate and tempestuous. Above all, look for them to be dynamic and perhaps volatile. Fairness around money or other material resources may be a source of friction. Try to suspend any expectations, so you may experience your interactions with new clarity. Pay close attention to issues of fairness that may arise.

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