Special Spring 2024 (Vernal Equinox)

At equinox the length of day and night is the same on planet Earth. In the northern hemisphere, in spring day starts being longer than night while night lengthens in the southern hemisphere. Astrologically, we feel this spring when Sun, Mercury, and often Venus move into Aries from Pisces. As Mercury can only be one sign away from Sun, and Venus two signs away, the three travel together. This year, Sun and Mercury have some esteemed guests in Aries while Venus tarries in Pisces.

This post will reflect on the difference the guests make in terms of the depth of our spring experience. Would you like to explore?

Aries and Earthly Joy

Mars is Aries’ ruler and it is, well, irrepressible. In modern societies, Mars is largely frowned upon today because its character is not in synch with modern values (it’s out for itself, takes what it wants, is not “nice”), but if we release our judgments for a moment, we may glimpse its glory, which drives us to seize the initiative, to start things just for the joy of it. This is the energy behind spring. It’s no accident that spring starts and winter ends when Sun moves into Aries.

The other thing about Mars and Aries is that they are largely focused on earthly affairs. Aries carries this element of innocence and naivete that I find very charming. When Aries-oriented folk act on their own initiative with scant thought for others, it’s not because they are selfish or egotistical; it’s their true nature. Aries is the infant of the zodiac.

At equinox, Sun was at 0° Aries by definition and Mercury around 17°30 Aries, so our will and motivation (Sun) and perceptions, thinking, and communication tend to be fast, self-oriented, and optimistic. Above all, collectively we tend to be more action-oriented than usual. This is damn-the-torpedoes-full-speed-ahead energy.

Their Guests

Equinox is usually innocent, energetic, and focused on today, busting out. This year, however, it has unusual depth because Chiron and North Node, which had been dancing together in February around 16°45 Aries, were still within three degrees of each other. Chiron entered Aries on February 2019, so we have been feeling its energy for years. The best example of Chironic wounding to Aries’ core want of initiative and autonomy is the Covid lockdowns and limits that occurred around the world. And the highly encouraged vaccinations that, while not legally mandated, were practically required in many contexts.

North Node entered Aries in July 2023 in its characteristic retrograde motion, so it and Chiron had been moving toward each other for months. North Node symbolizes our collective ego’s “north star” for growth (spiritually). In Aries, we grow by seizing the initiative that is right for us as individuals. We have been considering others too much.

Together, Chiron and North Node give us all an unusually persistent edge to our desire to be autonomous, to think of our individual selves first, and to voice our opinions—just to do it. I have noticed this for months on the bike. For years, I have observed that the vast majority of (car) drivers are very kind to cyclists, and many often insist that I go first at four-way stops even when they arrive in the intersection first. Since about the fall, though, total reversal! Watch out—because people are going to go first, and obeying stop signs and red lights is out the window!

I have also noticed it at work, where normally hesitant people are talking over each other like sailors since around January; it’s so funny to see the change. Everyone’s talking, HAS to get his/her word in, and listening seems to be a chore. Even funnier is that few people appear to be aware of it.

When we consider Chiron and North Node, this going first and expressing one’s will has a spiritual element to it, so this is a special spring.

But wait! Neptunian Special Effects

That would be quite straightforward, but it is not to be that simple. Mars, Aries’ ruler, moved into Pisces on 22 March. And the ruler calls the shots, although Mars in Pisces is indirect, changeable, and considerate of others. It’s even mild-mannered! It takes the wind out of Aries’ sails. Keep in mind that Saturn is in Pisces, too, so there will be a strong vibration of “rising above the self” and considering others. Venus will also strengthen the Neptunian vibe until she traipses into Aries on April 5th.

All this will probably manifest as unusual inactivity, and consideration of “others” is often the rationale. Many of us have full intention of doing this or that, and we’re very passionate and insistent on it, but we’ll tend not to follow through on it. Initiatives tend to languish. Of course, things will still get done, but many things will require a lot of extra energy.

I would also not be surprised if spring weather were delayed. Pisces’ overall effect tends to be prolonging winter’s passivity, waiting for, “What? (I forgot).”

Now let’s see what happens!

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